It's An Age Thing...

Let’s face it: sleep is weird. One minute you’re a kid who can sleep through a fire alarm, and the next, you’re an adult who wakes up at 3 AM because your brain decided it’s the perfect time to rehash that awkward moment from eighth grade. But here’s the deal—your sleep needs change as you age, and understanding these shifts can help you optimize your rest. So, buckle up as we dive into the science of sleep across the decades and learn how to hack it at every stage of life, with a little help from 8hours—your new best friend in the quest for better sleep.


That Didn't Age Well

From baby to elderly - your sleep needs and preferences evolve as you do. Here's a little rundown on the most important facts (and hacks!)

The Early Years

Sleeping Like a Baby (Literally)

Ah, the baby years. Newborns are basically sleep pros—they clock in around 14-17 hours a day. Why? Because sleep is their full-time job. During deep sleep, their tiny bodies are busy releasing growth hormones, building brains, and getting ready to take on the world (or at least the playpen).

Parent Hack: Establish a consistent bedtime routine early on. Babies thrive on routine, and a predictable sequence of events—like a warm bath, a story, and some cuddles—can help them wind down. You might not need 8hours yet, but keep it in mind for when you’re the one struggling to catch up on sleep.


The Teenage Years

Night Owl Nation

Welcome to the teenage years, where your circadian rhythm does a backflip. Teenagers need about 8-10 hours of sleep, but their internal clocks shift, making them night owls by nature. This is why they’re wired at midnight and zombie-walking to school at 7 AM.

Teen Hack: If you’re a teen (or a parent of one), try to keep a consistent sleep schedule—even on weekends. I know, easier said than done, right? But sticking to a routine can help regulate that funky sleep cycle. If falling asleep is a struggle, 8hours can be a lifesaver, thanks to its blend of calming L-theanine and apigenin, which work together to ease you into sleep mode without knocking you out like a heavyweight champ.



The 7-9 Hour Balancing Act

Ah, adulthood—where you’re juggling work, relationships, maybe some kids, and trying to squeeze in a workout so you don’t turn into a stress ball. The sweet spot for sleep here is 7-9 hours, but let’s be real—life often has other plans. Stress, late-night Netflix binges, and endless to-do lists can make those 8 hours of sleep seem like a pipe dream.

Adult Hack: Prioritize sleep like you prioritize your morning coffee. Create a bedtime ritual that tells your brain it’s time to chill. 8hours can be your secret weapon—its magnesium helps relax your muscles, while L-theanine and apigenin work to calm your mind, making it easier to drift off after a hectic day. Trust me, this stuff is like a nightly reset button.


Middle Age

When Sleep Gets Complicated

Welcome to middle age, where sleep can start to get... interesting. Hormonal changes, stress, and the inevitable aches and pains can turn your once-solid sleep routine into a series of catnaps. You might find yourself waking up more often during the night, or staring at the ceiling at 2 AM, wondering why you can’t just sleep like you used to.

Middle-Age Hack: If sleep disruptions are becoming your norm, it’s time to call in reinforcements. 8hours combines magnesium and L-theanine to not only help you fall asleep but also stay asleep. And let’s not forget myo-inositol, which supports brain health and helps balance neurotransmitters—key for managing stress and keeping those 3 AM wake-ups at bay.


Senior Years

Early Birds and Lighter Sleep

As we hit our senior years, our sleep patterns shift again. You might find yourself going to bed earlier and waking up with the sunrise. Unfortunately, sleep can also become lighter and more fragmented, making it harder to get those deep, restorative Zzz’s. Conditions like arthritis or restless legs syndrome can also add to the mix, making sleep feel like a distant memory.

Senior Hack: Focus on sleep quality over quantity. Even if you’re not sleeping as long as you used to, 8hours can help ensure that the sleep you do get is deep and restorative. The tart cherry extract in 8hours is a natural source of melatonin, helping regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Plus, the combo of apigenin and magnesium ensures that even if you wake up during the night, you can easily drift back to sleep.


The Science Behind Changing Sleep Needs

So why does sleep get trickier as we age? A lot of it comes down to biology. As we get older, our bodies produce less melatonin, the hormone that regulates our sleep-wake cycle. Less melatonin means more difficulty falling and staying asleep. Add in age-related health issues and medications, and it’s no wonder sleep can become elusive.

Science Hack: That’s where 8hours comes in. Designed to work in harmony with your body’s natural processes, 8hours helps support healthy sleep at any age. Whether you’re struggling to fall asleep, stay asleep, or wake up feeling refreshed, the synergistic effects of magnesium, L-theanine, apigenin, inositol, and tart cherry extract can help you get the deep, restorative sleep you need.

how to age (and sleep) gracefully

Adapting to Your Changing Sleep Needs

No matter your age, the key to good sleep is being adaptable. Recognize that your sleep needs will change over time, and that’s okay. By paying attention to your body and adjusting your sleep habits accordingly, you can continue to enjoy restful nights, no matter what stage of life you’re in.

General Sleep Tips Across All Ages:

  • Create a Consistent Sleep Routine: Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps regulate your internal clock.
  • Limit Screen Time Before Bed: The blue light from screens can interfere with melatonin production, making it harder to fall asleep.
  • Watch Your Diet: Avoid heavy meals, caffeine, and alcohol close to bedtime as they can disrupt sleep.
  • Stay Active: Regular physical activity can help you fall asleep faster and enjoy deeper sleep.
  • Consider Natural, High-Quality Supplements: Sometimes, your body just needs a little extra help. A supplement like 8hours, with its blend of natural sleep aids, can be a game-changer in helping you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling like a million bucks.
The Benefits of 8hours

Your Secret Weapon for Better Sleep

8hours is designed to work with your body’s changing sleep needs, providing support whether you’re struggling to fall asleep, stay asleep, or recover from the day’s activities. Its all-natural formulation makes it a versatile and effective tool in your sleep arsenal, ensuring you get the quality rest you deserve at every stage of life.


Embrace the Change

Aging is a natural part of life, and so are the changes in our sleep patterns. By understanding how your sleep needs evolve and taking proactive steps to adapt, you can continue to enjoy quality sleep at any age. And remember, no matter how your sleep changes, prioritizing rest is key to maintaining your overall health and well-being.

Sweet dreams—at any age!

Science Section

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