How Much Sleep Do You Really Need? Is 8 Hours a Myth?

in Sep 14, 2024
We’ve all heard the magic number: 8 hours of sleep every night (some even built a global brand on it...), or else you’ll be a groggy zombie with dark circles that rival raccoons. But is the 8-hour rule actually the golden standard, or just another wellness myth? And what about quality—does it really matter if you get 8 hours of tossing and turning? Let’s break down the science of how much sleep you really need, why quality matters just as much as quantity, and how a natural sleep supplement like 8hours can help you get the rest you need to wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day.
The 8 Hour Myth

One Size Does NOT Fit All

You’ve probably been told your whole life that 8 hours is the sweet spot for sleep.
And we have literally built a brand that is named... 8hours.

But here’s the truth: sleep needs are personal. Some people thrive on 7 hours, while others need 9 to feel fully recharged. So, where did this 8-hour rule even come from?

The truth is, 8 hours of sleep is an average recommendation based on population studies. It’s a nice number to aim for, but it doesn’t mean it’s perfect for everyone. Depending on factors like age, activity level, and genetics, your ideal sleep duration might be a little different. What’s important is finding the right amount of sleep for you, and just as crucial—making sure the sleep you get is of high quality.

Quality vs. Quantity

Why How You Sleep Matters More Than How Long

Sure, getting 8 hours of sleep sounds great, but what if those 8 hours are spent waking up every hour, tossing and turning, or lying awake for half the night? That’s where sleep quality comes in.

Here’s why quality sleep is the real game-changer:

  • Deep Sleep and REM Sleep: These stages of sleep are critical for everything from muscle repair to memory consolidation. If your sleep is interrupted, you’re missing out on the most restorative stages.
  • Cognitive Function and Mood: Poor sleep quality affects your focus, creativity, and even your emotional regulation. This is why you might wake up after 8 hours of bad sleep feeling worse than you would after 6 hours of deep, uninterrupted sleep.
  • Physical Health: Quality sleep is linked to everything from a healthy immune system to better cardiovascular health. Poor-quality sleep, on the other hand, can increase the risk of chronic diseases over time.

In short, it’s not just about hitting the 8-hour mark on your Fitbit. It’s about making sure those hours are filled with deep, uninterrupted sleep.

Your personal sleep need

How to Determine Your Ideal Sleep Duration

So how do you know how much sleep you need? Spoiler: You won’t find the answer in a one-size-fits-all guide. But there are some science-backed methods to figure it out:


Split-test your Sleep Durations

If you have some flexibility, try going to bed at different times and tracking how you feel the next day. Do you feel energized after 7 hours or groggy without 9? It might take a few weeks of experimenting, but paying attention to how you feel throughout the day will give you clues.



Use a Sleep Journal

Track your sleep patterns for a couple of weeks, including what time you go to bed, when you wake up, and how you feel in the morning. You’ll start to see patterns in how certain amounts of sleep correlate with your mood, focus, and energy levels.


Follow The Energy

Listen to Your Body

Feeling tired during the day is a clear sign you’re not getting enough sleep. If you need an afternoon coffee just to make it through the day, that’s your body’s way of telling you that you’re not hitting your optimal sleep target.


90 Minutes

Look for Sleep Cycles

Sleep occurs in 90-minute cycles, and waking up at the end of a cycle (rather than in the middle of one) can help you feel more rested. Apps and trackers can help, or you can calculate backward from your wake-up time to see when you should fall asleep.


How to Get Enough (High-Quality) Sleep

Once you know how much sleep your body needs, the next step is to actually get that sleep. But we all know that’s easier said than done. So, here are some tips to help you maximize both the quantity and quality of your sleep:

1. Stick to a Regular Sleep Schedule

Your body’s internal clock thrives on routine. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps regulate your circadian rhythm, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

2. Optimize Your Sleep Environment

Your bedroom should be a sleep sanctuary. Keep the room dark, quiet, and cool (around 65°F is ideal). And let’s be honest—ditch the phone an hour before bed to limit blue light exposure.

3. Use Sleep-Enhancing Supplements

When lifestyle changes alone aren’t enough, a natural sleep supplement like 8hours can help you fall asleep faster and improve sleep quality. Formulated by neuroscientists and triple third-party lab tested, 8hours is non-habit forming, 100% natural, and bio-available, meaning it gets absorbed by your body efficiently.

Here’s why 8hours works:

  • Magnesium Bisglycinate: A highly absorbable form of magnesium that calms the nervous system and reduces muscle tension, helping you relax and fall asleep faster.
  • L-Theanine: Known for its calming effects, this amino acid promotes relaxation without drowsiness, setting the stage for restful sleep.
  • Apigenin: A natural compound found in chamomile that helps reduce stress and promote relaxation, making it easier to transition into deep sleep.
  • Myo-Inositol: Supports brain health and neurotransmitter balance, contributing to more stable sleep cycles.
  • Tart Cherry Extract: A natural source of melatonin, tart cherry extract helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle, ensuring you get to sleep and stay asleep.

4. Limit Stimulants and Heavy Meals Before Bed

Caffeine, nicotine, and heavy meals can disrupt your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. Try to avoid stimulants at least 6 hours before bed, and if you’re hungry at night, stick to light, healthy snacks.

5. Wind Down with a Bedtime Routine

Incorporating relaxation techniques like meditation, reading, or light stretching can help signal to your brain that it’s time to sleep. This consistent wind-down routine preps your body and mind for high-quality sleep.

Better nights with 8hours

How 8hours Can Help You Achieve the Sleep You Need

At the end of the day (literally), the goal isn’t just to hit some arbitrary number of hours—it’s to get the right amount of quality sleep for your body. That’s where 8hours comes in. Not only does it help you fall asleep faster, but it also ensures you stay asleep and hit those crucial deep and REM sleep stages that help you wake up feeling refreshed.

  • Bio-Available and Non-Habit Forming: Because 8hours is triple third-party lab tested, 100% natural, and formulated by neuroscientists, you can trust that you’re getting a supplement that’s both effective and safe. Plus, it’s non-habit forming, so you won’t build a dependence on it to get the sleep you need.
  • The Sleep You Deserve: With ingredients like magnesium bisglycinate, apigenin, and tart cherry extract, 8hours optimizes both the quality and quantity of your sleep. Whether you need 7, 8, or 9 hours of rest, 8hours helps you achieve high-quality sleep—so you wake up feeling ready to conquer the day.

Listen to Your Body

There’s no magic number when it comes to sleep. The 8-hour rule is a good guideline, but it’s not one-size-fits-all. The key is to pay attention to your own sleep needs and focus on getting quality sleep, not just quantity.

And if you need a little help along the way, 8hours has your back (and your pillow). With its science-backed, natural formula, you can rest easy knowing you’re setting yourself up for the best night’s sleep—every night.

Ready to find your perfect sleep number? Start with 8hours and wake up to better days!

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